No worries in unfamiliar places!
A safe travel platform just for you
“GADA Made Easy”
With the GADA application, you can easily and quickly make a reservation, pay, and use the service.
“Together with GADA”
Gather your family, friends, and acquaintances, and let's go VAN!
Whether you're a group of one or eight, we've got you covered for the same price.
“safe GADA”
Safe driving without speeding and running red lights is a must!
Provide safe driving by maintaining the best vehicle condition through regular safety inspections.
가다 모빌리티 ( 사업자등록번호 107-16-32600 | 대표 고영식 | 통신판매업 제2023-서울강서-1533호 )
T. 82-10-2901-1059 | | 서울특별시 강서구 공항대로 46길 28 101동 712호.
© GADA mobility corp. 2013

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